"The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green" by Cuthbert Bede is a humorous novel written during the mid-19th century. It recounts the story of a young and naive protagonist, Mr. Verdant Green, as he embarks on his adventure of life as a freshman at Oxford University. The book humorously explores various experiences and escapades that befall Verdant, including initiation rituals, cultural contrasts between town and gown life, and the escapades of a university student. The opening of the novel introduces the clever backstory of Mr. Verdant Green's family lineage, framing him as a somewhat oblivious youth cherished by his overprotective mother. His education has been heavily influenced by this sheltered upbringing, leading to his anticipation and anxiety about attending Oxford. As he prepares to leave the comforts of his home, interactions with family members and the preparations made signal to readers the comedic challenges he is likely to encounter as he navigates university life and social dynamics. This blend of humor and the exploration of academic life sets up an engaging narrative that invites readers to follow Verdant's growth and misadventures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green
By Cuthbert Bede
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About the Author
Edward Bradley was an English clergyman and novelist. He was born in Kidderminster and educated at Durham University from which he took his pen name Cuthbert Bede. His most popular book was The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, on the experiences of an Oxford undergraduate. There was a sequel, Little Mr Bouncer and his friend Verdant Green. Tales of College Life, introduces the character of Mr Affable Canary. The celebrated illustrations to the Verdant Green books were the work of the author.
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