"The Passenger from Calais" by Arthur Griffiths is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of early 1900s European travel, the story explores themes of intrigue, deception, and the complexities of human relationships. The plot centers around Colonel Basil Annesley, who finds himself embroiled in the mysterious circumstances surrounding a woman named Mrs. Blair, who has a troubled past. The opening of the book introduces Colonel Annesley as he embarks on a seemingly routine train journey from Calais to Basle. He quickly becomes aware of a peculiar situation in the train where he is the only passenger, soon joined by Mrs. Blair, who arrives with a child and her maid. The tension builds as her nervousness about traveling with just a few people, including Annesley, hints at a dark secret tied to her past. Annesley is drawn to Mrs. Blair but is also troubled by the ambiguous nature of her character, which raises questions about her true intentions. As the narrative unfolds, the presence of a sinister figure, Domenico Falfani, introduces an additional layer of conflict, setting the stage for a thrilling exploration of crime and morality along their journey. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Passenger from Calais
By Arthur Griffiths
"The Passenger from Calais" by Arthur Griffiths is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of early 1900s European travel,...
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About the Author
Arthur George Frederick Griffiths was a British military officer, prison administrator and author who published more than 60 books during his lifetime. He was also a military historian who wrote extensively about the wars of the 19th century, and was for a time military correspondent for The Times newspaper.
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