"Vagabond Adventures" by Ralph Keeler is an autobiographical account written in the late 19th century. The book chronicles Keeler's life experiences as a young, adventurous boy who runs away from an unwelcoming home and embarks on various escapades, including life as a cabin boy on steamboats and his subsequent triumphs and tribulations. It offers insights into topics such as family, friendship, and the quest for identity, catering to readers interested in personal journeys and the pursuit of freedom. The opening portion of the narrative establishes a humorous and reflective tone as Keeler introduces his adventurous spirit and the circumstances that led him to leave home at the tender age of eleven. He describes his troubled family background, moving through several guardianships that contributed to his restlessness. As he recounts the escapades that ensued after his flight from Buffalo, the narrative highlights moments of camaraderie with friends, his humorous encounters aboard steamboats, and his early struggles for survival. These initial chapters set the stage for a rich tapestry of adventures that keenly illustrate his growth and aspirations as a young wanderer. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Vagabond Adventures
By Ralph Keeler
"Vagabond Adventures" by Ralph Keeler is an autobiographical account written in the late 19th century. The book chronicles Keeler's life experiences a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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