"The Treasure-Train" by Arthur B. Reeve is a thrilling detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story is centered around a suspicious occurrence involving the treasurer of the Continental Express Company, Granville Barnes, who has fallen gravely ill under mysterious circumstances that seem to link back to a high-stakes gold shipment. The narrative follows the determined Craig Kennedy, a detective with a penchant for scientific methods, as he investigates the possible connection between Barnes's condition and questionable conversations overheard by Maude Euston, his daughter. At the start of the book, Maude Euston visits Craig Kennedy in his laboratory, sharing her concerns about eerie discussions she overheard regarding her father's company and the sudden affliction endured by Barnes. Together with Kennedy's companion, they delve into the investigation, uncovering layers of intrigue involving potential sabotage, poisoned air, and possible motives related to corporate espionage. The opening sets a gripping tone, blending elements of romance and intrigue as Maude expresses her desire to protect her father's interests while grappling with her affections for the key players involved. The narrative quickly unfolds, inviting readers to join in the unraveling mystery shrouded in deception and danger. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Treasure-Train
By Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) Reeve
"The Treasure-Train" by Arthur B. Reeve is a thrilling detective novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story is centered around a suspic...
Arthur Benjamin Reeve was an American mystery writer. He is known best for creating the series character Professor Craig Kennedy, sometimes called "The American Sherlock Holmes", and Kennedy's Dr. Watson-like sidekick Walter Jameson, a newspaper reporter, for 18 detective novels. Reeve is famous mostly for the 82 Craig Kennedy stories, published in Cosmopolitan magazine between 1910 and 1918. These were collected in book form; with the third collection, the short stories were published grouped together as episodic novels. The 12-volume publication Craig Kennedy Stories was released during 1918; it reissued Reeve's books-to-date as a matched set.