"The Solitary Farm" by Fergus Hume is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Captain Huxham, a retired sailor turned farmer, and the complex relationships of his daughter Bella Huxham with her suitors, particularly the preacher Silas Pence and a mysterious journalist named Cyril Lister. As tensions rise, themes of love, envy, and familial conflict come into play, particularly influenced by Huxham's vehement disapproval of Bella's affections for Lister. The opening of the novel introduces a heated discussion between Captain Huxham and the ardent preacher Silas Pence regarding Bella's potential marriage. Huxham’s apparent anger towards Lister raises questions about the journalist's background and the source of the captain's disdain. Tensions boil over as Huxham offers Pence a sinister proposal regarding Lister, reflecting the captain’s volatile nature. The narrative sets up a tense atmosphere, leading to a mysterious crime—the captain's eventual murder, which adds layers of intrigue and suspense to the unfolding drama. As the plot thickens, the interplay of love, secrets, and betrayal becomes increasingly significant in the lives of the characters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Solitary Farm
By Fergus Hume
"The Solitary Farm" by Fergus Hume is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Captain Huxham, a retired sailor turned far...
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About the Author
Ferguson Wright Hume, known as Fergus Hume, was a prolific English novelist, known for his detective fiction, thrillers and mysteries.
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