"Prey of the Space Falcon" by Wilbur S. Peacock is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a futuristic universe where Curt Varga, known as the Falcon, rebels against a tyrannical regime known as the Food Administrators. As a cunning outlaw leading a group of rebels, he must navigate danger and deception while his brother fights bravely by his side, ultimately facing the challenges posed by the oppressive Interplanetary Patrol. The opening of the novel introduces us to Curt Varga, who is communicated with via a hidden device, as he lounges in a Martian nightclub. He's amid a tense situation, with Interplanetary Patrol agents converging on him while he plots to undermine the Food Administrators. The tension escalates when warning arrives that they suspect his identity. Flashbacks reveal the motivations behind his rebellious actions, including the tragic loss of his family to the very systems he fights against. As the narrative progresses, he finds himself in a conflict not only with the IP but also battling the resurgence of smuggling operations, particularly the dangerous drug smothalene, which is threatening his cause and the reputation of his rebel group. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Prey of the Space Falcon
By Wilbur S. Peacock
"Prey of the Space Falcon" by Wilbur S. Peacock is a science fiction novel likely written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a futuristic u...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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