"The Wind Bloweth" by Donn Byrne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows young Shane Campbell, a boy on the brink of manhood, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery against the backdrop of the Irish landscape. The author delves into themes of family, cultural heritage, and the poignant transition from childhood to adulthood as Shane grapples with his identity and the legends of his homeland. The beginning of the novel introduces Shane on his fourteenth birthday, as he takes a day off from school to explore the mountainous terrain near his home in the Antrim glens. The text vividly captures the beauty of the Irish countryside through Shane's eyes, portraying his interactions with nature and the memory of historical figures associated with his heritage. During his ascent of the mountain, Shane reflects on stories of lost islands and mystical experiences, indicating a longing for adventure and a connection to the tales of his poetic father. This opening sets the stage for Shane's character development and foreshadows the intermingling of myth and reality in his journey ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Wind Bloweth
By Donn Byrne
"The Wind Bloweth" by Donn Byrne is a novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative follows young Shane Campbell, a boy on the brink of manho...
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About the Author
Donn Byrne was an Irish novelist.
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