"Capricious Caroline" by Effie Adelaide Rowlands is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around the intriguing character of Camilla Lancing, a woman navigating the complexities of her emotions, social interactions, and personal dilemmas within her life. At the heart of the book is her relationship with Rupert Haverford, a man of newfound wealth whose straightforward nature both fascinates and frustrates her as he enters her world. The opening of the novel introduces Camilla as she embarks on a motor trip with Rupert Haverford through misty landscapes, which serves as a backdrop to their evolving relationship. As they drive, conversations reveal Camilla's capricious nature, her feelings of ennui, and her impulsive choices. The dynamics between them highlight her inner conflict regarding societal expectations, personal independence, and the hidden complexities of her character. The narrative paints a picture of contrasting lives—Camilla's glamorous yet troubled existence and Rupert's uncomplicated sincerity—setting the stage for the exploration of love, responsibility, and self-discovery that lies ahead. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Capricious Caroline
By Effie Adelaide Rowlands
"Capricious Caroline" by Effie Adelaide Rowlands is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around the intriguing character of Ca...
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About the Author
Effie Adelaide Maria Henderson was a British novelist, better known under the pen names Effie Adelaide Rowlands, E. Maria Albanesi and Madame Albanesi. She was the author of more than 250 romance novels and short-stories for magazines and newspapers.
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