"The Revolt of the Oyster" by Don Marquis is a satirical novella written in the early 20th century. The book humorously explores themes of evolution and humanity's relationship with the natural world through anthropomorphized characters, particularly focusing on Probably Arboreal, a proto-human figure confronting both personal and existential dilemmas." "The opening of the novella introduces Probably Arboreal, who observes the beachgoers and their primitive, carefree lifestyle while reflecting on his own ideals about love and marriage. He is intrigued yet annoyed by his neighbor Slightly Simian's domestic disputes, which lead him to contemplate his own romantic pursuits, particularly involving a girl known for her red hair and spirited nature. However, when Probably Arboreal inadvertently finds himself grappling with a giant oyster, the absurdity of the situation escalates as the crowd gathers, transforming the fight into a spectacle that captures both the sea's power and humanity's place within the natural order. This dramatic encounter sets the stage for broader commentary on survival and the potential upheaval of societal norms in the face of primal challenges." (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Revolt of the Oyster
By Don Marquis
"The Revolt of the Oyster" by Don Marquis is a satirical novella written in the early 20th century. The book humorously explores themes of evolution a...
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About the Author
Donald Robert Perry Marquis was an American humorist, journalist, and author. He was variously a novelist, poet, newspaper columnist, and playwright. He is remembered best for creating the characters Archy and Mehitabel, supposed authors of humorous verse. During his lifetime he was equally famous for creating another fictitious character, "the Old Soak," who was the subject of two books, a hit Broadway play (1922–23), a silent film (1926) and a talkie (1937).
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