"Love in the Suds: a Town Eclogue" by W. Kenrick is a satirical poem written in the mid-18th century. This work is framed as a lament from the character Roscius, mourning the departure of his beloved Nyky. It combines elements of classic eclogue traditions with contemporary British theatrical references, poking fun at the theatrical community and critiquing the management practices of prominent figures like David Garrick. The poem unfolds with Roscius calling upon his muse to help him express his sorrow over Nyky's absence, who is portrayed as a talented and charming figure. The poem features various humorous and critical reflections on love, societal norms, and the theatrical profession, delving into themes of manly love and the absurdities of public perception. As Roscius navigates his grief, he includes commentary on the nature of performance and the often arbitrary standards of morality within the theatrical world. The work wraps around a confrontation with the biases and hypocrisies of the time, culminating in a broader discussion of personal integrity and artistic expression within the constraints imposed by society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Love in the Suds: a Town Eclogue. Being the Lamentation of Roscius for the Loss of His Nyky.
By W. (William) Kenrick
"Love in the Suds: a Town Eclogue" by W. Kenrick is a satirical poem written in the mid-18th century. This work is framed as a lament from the charact...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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