"The Shooting of Dan McGrew, A Novel" by Marvin Dana is a fictional work inspired by the famous poem of Robert W. Service, written in the early 20th century. This novel follows the intertwining lives of Jim Maxwell, his wife Lou, and the enigmatic Dangerous Dan McGrew, who returns to threaten their peaceful existence. The story sets a stage for themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and the darker sides of human desire. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to the idyllic life of Jim Maxwell and his wife, Lou, who share a deep bond. However, the tranquility of their existence is disrupted by the news of Dan McGrew's impending visit after a long absence. Jim's casual admission about Danβs return ignites unease in Lou, hinting at a past rivalry. As the narrative unfolds, we see Jim's affection for Lou and their child Nell, juxtaposed with Lou's internal conflict regarding Dan. Their seemingly perfect life becomes increasingly fraught with tension as Dan's motivations become unclear, setting the stage for intrigue and emotional turmoil. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Shooting of Dan McGrew, A Novel. Based on the Famous Poem of Robert Service
By Marvin Dana
"The Shooting of Dan McGrew, A Novel" by Marvin Dana is a fictional work inspired by the famous poem of Robert W. Service, written in the early 20th c...
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About the Author
Marvin Hill Dana was an American author and journalist.
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