"The Manchester Man" by Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Manchester during the late 18th century and follows the life of Simon Clegg, a tanner, as he navigates the struggles of an evolving society shaped by industry and the personal trials that come with it. The book delves into themes of community, familial love, and the impact of societal change on ordinary lives. The opening of the narrative sets a vivid scene during a devastating flood in 1799, where Simon Clegg heroically rescues a baby from a floating cradle amidst the chaos of destruction. This act of bravery leads to the child's adoption into Simon's family, marking a significant turning point for both Simon and his daughter, Bess, who embrace the orphaned child, Jabez. As they cope with the aftermath of the flood and the societal upheaval that follows, Simon's character is explored in depth, alongside his relationships and the challenges posed by their impoverished circumstances. The stage is set for an exploration of survival, compassion, and the ties that bind a community together in times of crisis. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Manchester Man
By G. Linnaeus (George Linnaeus) Banks
"The Manchester Man" by Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in Manchester during the late...
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About the Author
Isabella Banks, also known as Mrs G. Linnaeus Banks, was an English novelist and poet. Born in Manchester, England, Banks is most widely remembered today for her book The Manchester Man, published in 1876.
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