"The Dare Boys with General Greene" by Stephen Angus Douglas Cox is a historical adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers around two young Confederate boys, Dick and Tom Dare, along with their friend Ben Foster, who serve as scouts in the American Revolutionary War. Set during the pivotal year of 1781, it highlights their bravery and resourcefulness in the face of threatening encounters with Native Americans and British Tories. At the start of the story, the three boys are on a scouting mission for General Greene in South Carolina, tasked with assessing the danger posed by Cherokee Indians incited by the British. Their expedition quickly turns perilous when they are discovered by the Indians and must escape by swinging down a tree into a ravine. Subsequently, a sudden storm causes a flood that sweeps them away, complicating their already dangerous situation. The opening establishes a suspenseful tone and introduces themes of bravery, camaraderie, and survival as the boys navigate the threats around them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Dare Boys with General Greene
By Stephen Angus Douglas Cox
"The Dare Boys with General Greene" by Stephen Angus Douglas Cox is a historical adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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