"When I Was a Little Girl" by Zona Gale is a fictional work written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the reflections and adventures of a young girl as she navigates her childhood experiences, grappling with concepts of time and the innocence of youth. The story captures the essence of childhood wonder, friendships, and the complexities of growing up. The opening of the book introduces the reader to the narrator's whimsical perspective on time and the joyous, yet perplexing, world of childhood. The narrator muses about the fleeting nature of time, recalling how it seemed to stretch and contract unpredictably in her youth. She shares vivid memories of playing with friends, the feelings of urgency and freedom associated with playtime, and striking observations about more adult concepts like bedtimes and chores that loom over a child's playful world. With a blend of nostalgia and curiosity, the narrator sets the tone for a story that seeks to bridge the innocence of childhood with the realization of its inevitable passage. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
When I Was a Little Girl
By Zona Gale
"When I Was a Little Girl" by Zona Gale is a fictional work written in the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the reflections and advent...
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About the Author
Zona Gale, also known by her married name, Zona Gale Breese, was an American novelist, short story writer, and playwright. She became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1921. The close relationship she had with her parents set the tone for her writing and her personal life. Her books based upon her home town were found to be charming and had an intimate sense of realism, in which she captures the underlying feelings and motivations of her characters. All of her works were written under her maiden name, Zona Gale.
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