"Pine Needles" by Susan Warner and Louis Harms is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The narrative unfolds primarily around the experiences of the Franklin and Candlish families at Mosswood, as they navigate the joys of friendship and the beauty of nature, intertwined with deeper themes of faith and heroism. The book appears to explore both ordinary familial interactions and significant moral questions reflecting on Christian values, suggesting a thoughtful examination of personal growth and the impact of relationships. The opening of the story sets the stage for the reuniting of the Franklin and Candlish families at Mosswood, introducing characters like Maggie, Meredith, Flora, and Esther. As they prepare for a day in the woods, the excitement among the children builds, particularly around their plans for a picnic and their desire to invite their Uncle Eden, highlighting themes of joy and youthful adventure. During their outing, Meredith engages with a missionary story from a German pastor, hinting at deeper discussions about morality, faith, and cultural history. This premise creates a rich tapestry of both light-hearted moments and thoughtful reflections, especially regarding the characters' appreciation of their environment and relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pine Needles
By Susan Warner
"Pine Needles" by Susan Warner and Louis Harms is a fictional work written in the late 19th century. The narrative unfolds primarily around the experi...
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About the Author
Susan Bogert Warner was an American Presbyterian writer of religious fiction, children's fiction, and theological works. She is best remembered for her massive bestseller The Wide, Wide World. Her other works include Queechy, The Hills of the Shatemuc, Melbourne House, Daisy, Walks from Eden, House of Israel, What She Could, Opportunities, and House in Town. Warner and her sister, Anna, wrote a series of semi-religious novels that had extraordinary sales, including Say and Seal, Christmas Stocking, Books of Blessing, and The Law and the Testimony.
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