"My Home in the Field of Honor" by Frances Wilson Huard is a historical account written during the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds during the lead-up to World War I, showcasing the social dynamics and the gradual realization of impending warfare through the lens of everyday life in France, particularly at a summer house near Paris. The account likely explores the experiences of the main character, Madame Huard, as she navigates the escalating tensions and the impact of war on her community and loved ones. The opening of the book introduces readers to a serene summer gathering at the Chateau de Villiers, where the guests are blissfully ignorant of the war that is about to engulf Europe. As conversations about art and politics pervade the atmosphere, the mood shifts dramatically with the news of mobilization and the declaration of war. The narrative highlights the juxtaposition of the characters' carefree lives with the unsettling reality of impending conflict. Madame Huard's interactions with her friends, as well as her observations of the changing sentiments and events around her, establish a poignant setting for the unfolding story of loss and resilience in wartime. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
My Home in the Field of Honor
By Frances Wilson Huard
"My Home in the Field of Honor" by Frances Wilson Huard is a historical account written during the early 20th century. The narrative unfolds during th...
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About the Author
Frances Wilson Huard was an American-born writer, translator, and lecturer who wrote memoirs of life during World War I in France.
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