"The Gifts of Asti" by Andre Norton is a fantasy novel written in the late 1940s. The story follows Varta, the last priestess of the god Asti, who embarks on a perilous journey after her home city of Memphir falls to barbarian invaders. This tale explores themes of survival, destiny, and the search for truth in a richly imagined world where ancient powers still influence the present. In "The Gifts of Asti," Varta, accompanied by Lur, a scaled creature who shares a mental bond with her, must navigate the treacherous depths of the world following the collapse of her civilization. As they traverse through desolate landscapes and encounter mysterious entities, they discover remnants of an ancient space-faring race and an enigmatic living lake. The narrative sees Varta uncover her purpose as a protector and ultimately leads her to revive a man from another world, hinting at the possibility of rekindling a lost heritage. Through her journey, Varta embodies the resilience of the human spirit against the backdrop of life's challenges, all under the watchful guidance of her god, Asti. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Gifts of Asti
By Andre Norton
"The Gifts of Asti" by Andre Norton is a fantasy novel written in the late 1940s. The story follows Varta, the last priestess of the god Asti, who emb...
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About the Author
Andre Alice Norton was an American writer of science fiction and fantasy, who also wrote works of historical and contemporary fiction. She wrote primarily under the pen name Andre Norton, but also under Andrew North and Allen Weston. She was the first woman to be Gandalf Grand Master of Fantasy, to be SFWA Grand Master, and to be inducted by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame.
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