"The Flower of the Flock, Volume 1" by Pierce Egan is a novel written in the mid-19th century. Set in London, the narrative introduces readers to a world filled with vivid characters and societal challenges, centering on the love story of Harry Vivian, a young goldsmith apprentice, and Flora Wilton, the beautiful daughter of an unfortunate gold chaser. The backdrop of their romance is intertwined with vivid depictions of the struggles faced by different classes in society. At the start of the story, a radiant sunny morning serves as the backdrop for the introduction of key characters. Harry Vivian admires Flora from across the street, captivated by her beauty as she gazes out of her window. However, the scene swiftly shifts to reveal a more somber reality as an unwelcome visitor disrupts Flora's peaceful existence, representing a troublesome situation for her father, old Wilton. The tension escalates with Harry's instinctive protective feelings towards Flora as a confrontation occurs regarding her father’s debts. The opening sets the stage for themes of love, social inequality, and personal struggle, engaging readers with the intertwining destinies of the characters and the unfolding drama of their lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Flower of the Flock, Volume 1 (of 3)
By Pierce Egan
"The Flower of the Flock, Volume 1" by Pierce Egan is a novel written in the mid-19th century. Set in London, the narrative introduces readers to a wo...
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About the Author
Pierce Egan (1772–1849) was a British journalist, sportswriter, and writer on popular culture. His popular book Life in London, published in 1821, was adapted into the stage play Tom and Jerry, or Life in London later that year, which became the first play to have a continuous run of 100 performances in London while at the Adelphi Theatre in the West End.
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