"Shanty the Blacksmith; a Tale of Other Times" by Mary Martha Sherwood is a historical novel likely written in the mid-19th century. Set in a time before the spirit of revolution altered societal manners, the story unfolds in a wild border region between England and Scotland. Central to the narrative is Mr. Dymock, a young laird struggling with his family's decline, who turns to blacksmith Shanty for help in creating an innovative plough, while also navigating the complexities of his domestic life and relationships. The opening of the novel introduces the rundown Dymock's Tower and its eccentric inhabitants, particularly Mr. Dymock and his housekeeper, Mrs. Margaret. Mr. Dymock's aspirations as an inventor are contrasted with the old blacksmith's traditional skills and wisdom. As he attempts to encourage innovation through Shanty's forge, he inadvertently brings changes to the household dynamic, particularly upon the arrival of a mysterious young stranger and a beggar woman with children. The chapter culminates in an intriguing mix of domestic challenges and hints at deeper mysteries surrounding Tamar, a foundling child, thus foreshadowing future developments in the narrative regarding identity and belonging. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Shanty the Blacksmith; a Tale of Other Times
By Mary Martha Sherwood
"Shanty the Blacksmith; a Tale of Other Times" by Mary Martha Sherwood is a historical novel likely written in the mid-19th century. Set in a time bef...
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About the Author
Mary Martha Sherwood was a nineteenth-century English children's writer. Of her more than four hundred works, the best known include The History of Little Henry and his Bearer (1814) and the two series The History of Henry Milner (1822–1837) and The History of the Fairchild Family (1818–1847). Her evangelicalism permeated her early writings, but later works cover common Victorian themes such as domesticity.
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