"The Big Fix!" by Richard Wilson is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. This book delves into the complex relationship between addiction and the search for an alternate reality, centered around a drug called uru, which serves as both a substance and a key to another world. Through its narrative, the novel addresses themes of escapism, telepathy, and the human condition, set against the backdrop of a society grappling with the consequences of drug use. The story follows Barry, a former junkie navigating his life in a grimy city, searching for something more fulfilling than his existing addiction. He encounters Jones, a mysterious pusher who introduces him to uru, a hallucinogenic dream that transports him to the idyllic planet Uru. As he becomes entrenched in this new world and life as Boru, the Fighting Man, he finds both beauty and violence intertwined in the exhilarating experiences. However, the deeper he immerses himself, the more he realizes the darker implications of this paradise and the distinction between a high-stakes sport and moral integrity. Ultimately, he is faced with a critical choice: remain in Uru or return to Earth, leading to an exploration of identity, purpose, and the illusory nature of such "escapes". (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Big Fix!
By Richard Wilson
"The Big Fix!" by Richard Wilson is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. This book delves into the complex relationship between ad...
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About the Author
Richard Wilson was an American science fiction writer and fan. He was a member of the Futurians, and was married for a time to Leslie Perri, who had also been a Futurian.
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