"Fire Cloud; Or, The Mysterious Cave. A Story of Indians and Pirates" by Samuel Fletcher is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a pirate captain, Flint, and his crew, who have kidnapped the daughter of a merchant, Hellena Rosenthrall, leading to a web of intrigue involving Native American characters and legends. The narrative hints at themes of greed, betrayal, and the supernatural, particularly through the mysterious cave that plays a central role in the unfolding drama. The opening of the book sets the stage with a deep sense of mystery and foreshadowing. It begins with the assertion that the tale may be based on actual events narrated by an old man, Ben Miller, which adds an air of authenticity. We are introduced to Captain Flint, who has kidnapped Hellena for his own ulterior motives and is using the perceived dangers from an Indian chief, Fire Cloud, to mask his actions. The dialogue between Flint's crew reveals their unease about the girl's presence and the moral dilemmas they face. As the tale unfolds, the cave becomes a sanctuary of secrets and possible supernatural occurrences, hinting at an intriguing blend of adventure and horror that promises to engage the reader further. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Fire Cloud; Or, The Mysterious Cave. A Story of Indians and Pirates.
By Samuel Fletcher
"Fire Cloud; Or, The Mysterious Cave. A Story of Indians and Pirates" by Samuel Fletcher is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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