"Through the Outlooking Glass" by Simeon Strunsky is a whimsical narrative written in the early 20th century. This book is a satirical political commentary that employs an imaginative framework reminiscent of Lewis Carroll’s "Through the Looking-Glass," intertwining real-life political themes with fantastical elements. The book follows the adventures of a character named the Red Knight, who endeavors to navigate a playful yet critical landscape of American politics, exploring notions of governance, societal expectations, and satire. The storyline introduces Alice, who accompanies the Red Knight as he embarks on a quest for the "Third Cup," meeting various quirky characters along the way, including a woman living in a shoe. Throughout their escapades, the Red Knight engages in humorous discussions about politics, trust, and the absurdities of political campaigning, highlighting the contradictions and peculiarities of society. Strunsky’s narrative is rich with allegorical figures and dialogues that poke fun at political rhetoric and convention, ultimately weaving a tale that captures the intersection of childish curiosity with adult complexities in governance and ethics, while leaving readers to ponder on deeper societal themes. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Through the Outlooking Glass
By Simeon Strunsky
"Through the Outlooking Glass" by Simeon Strunsky is a whimsical narrative written in the early 20th century. This book is a satirical political comme...
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About the Author
Simeon Strunsky was a Russian-born Jewish American essayist and editorialist. He is best remembered as a prominent editorialist for the New York Times for more than two decades.
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