"The Peacemaker" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores the tumultuous life of Jaq Merril, a space pirate who becomes an unlikely symbol of peace during the chaos of the Wall Decade — an era marked by fear, greed, and division among nations. The narrative dives into Merril's exploits and the morally complex decisions he makes as he navigates his role within a brotherhood of outlaws striving for freedom in an unforgiving universe. The story unfolds through the eyes of one of Merril's lieutenants, recounting the rise and fall of the Compact — a group of pirate captains who band together to seize riches from various worlds in defiance of Earth’s superpowers. As they initially revel in their successes, the tides turn when they encounter new weapons and unification efforts from their enemies. Ultimately, the book culminates in a desperate final raid on Luna that leads to catastrophic loss and a redefinition of Merril’s legacy. Coppel presents a gripping saga where the line between heroism and villainy blurs, challenging the reader to reconsider the nature of legends and the truth behind them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Peacemaker
By Alfred Coppel
"The Peacemaker" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores the tumultuous life of Jaq Merril, a space ...
Alfred Coppel, Alfredo Jose de Arana-Marini Coppel was an American author. Born in Oakland, he served as a fighter pilot in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. After his discharge, he started his career as a writer. He became one of the most prolific pulp magazine authors of the 1950s and 1960s, adopting the pseudonyms Robert Cham Gilman and A.C. Marin and writing for a variety of pulp magazines and later "slick" publishers. Though writing in a variety of genres, including action thrillers, he is known for his science fiction stories which comprise both short stories and novels.