"Eva's Adventures in Shadow-Land" by Mary D. Nauman is a children's fantasy novel written in the late 19th century. The story follows a young girl named Eva, who finds herself in a mysterious realm called Shadow-Land after a series of magical encounters, including her interactions with a talking toad and a magical pond. As she navigates this enchanting yet perilous world, Eva embarks on a quest to assist Aster, a mysterious boy she meets who has lost his flower and holds a secret that connects their fates. At the start of the book, we meet Eva, a curious and imaginative girl, who is lured by a talking green toad to a pond where mystifying events unfold. After falling asleep in the grass, she awakens to discover that she is now in Shadow-Land, a place filled with strange landscapes and magical characters. As she traverses this land, she encounters oddities like a talking stick and a magical fountain that grants her a companion, Aster. Together, they must navigate various trials and dangers, which seem to be closely tied to past actions and unseen forces. The opening chapters establish not only the whimsical setting and Eva's adventurous spirit but also hint at greater challenges and mysteries that will unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Eva's Adventures in Shadow-Land
By Mary D. (Mary Dummett) Nauman
The second part of this combined volume is available as #53901.
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About the Author
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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