"Blood and Iron" by John Hubert Greusel is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The book explores the origins of the German Empire through the character and actions of Otto von Bismarck, its founder. It delves into Bismarck's complexities, presenting him as a pivotal figure whose determination and controversial decisions shaped the unification of Germany. The opening portion of the book introduces Bismarck as a powerful and imposing figure, likening him to a blacksmith forging the future of the German nation amidst political turmoil. The text emphasizes his early years, his lineage, and the environment that influenced his character—the struggle between old traditions and the need for unity in a fragmented German landscape. Greusel examines Bismarck's inherent traits, likening him to a bulldog with a lust for power, and sets the stage for a deep exploration of his ambitions, passions, and the tumultuous path leading to the establishment of a united Germany. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Blood and Iron Origin of German Empire As Revealed by Character of Its Founder, Bismarck
By John Hubert Greusel
"Blood and Iron" by John Hubert Greusel is a historical account written in the early 20th century. The book explores the origins of the German Empire ...
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