"Caribbee" by Thomas Hoover is a historical novel written in the late 20th century. The book explores the early Caribbean landscape of Barbados in 1648, intertwining tales of rebellion against English rule and the ramifications of the slave trade. It showcases the robust characters, both real and fictional, who shape the turbulent era, including English colonists and enslaved Africans, all caught in the tempest of their divergent quests for freedom and survival. The opening of "Caribbee" immerses readers in the Caribbean in 1638, where a band of English hunters, led by Jacques le Basque, prepares to ambush a passing Spanish vessel for revenge after previous attacks on their settlement. Among them is a young Englishman whose moral dilemmas come into sharp relief as he grapples with the idea of attacking fellow countrymen for plunder. This morally charged scene illuminates the chaotic interplay of struggle and honor in a land where survival often forces individuals to confront their deepest values. As tension builds, it foreshadows not only the conflicts that define the early American colonies but also the complexity of human relationships amid the cruelties of colonization and enslavement. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Thomas Hoover
"Caribbee" by Thomas Hoover is a historical novel written in the late 20th century. The book explores the early Caribbean landscape of Barbados in 164...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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