"Moral Equivalent" by Kris Neville is a science fiction story written in the late 1950s. The narrative unfolds on the planet Mala, where the residents, having emulated Earth culture, unexpectedly initiate a war after acquiring books about warfare and political organization from Earth. The story explores deeper themes about the consequences of blindly imitating another culture without understanding its historical context and ethical implications. The plot follows two Earthmen, Kelly and Beliakoff, who are spacefarers that inadvertently set off a chain of events leading to the Malan war. As they navigate the fallout of their actions, they confront the absurdity of the Malan response to warfare, which has been superficial and devoid of the deeper understanding of what war entails. The Malans, led by their Prime Minister Nob and the young Empress Jusa, have created a war environment based on Earthly texts without grasping the inherent violence and chaos that accompanies wars. As Kelly and Beliakoff intervene to stop the conflict, they delve into the moral and philosophical dilemmas of war and leadership, culminating in unanticipated personal and political resolutions that highlight the complexities of peace and culture. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Moral Equivalent
By Kris Neville
"Moral Equivalent" by Kris Neville is a science fiction story written in the late 1950s. The narrative unfolds on the planet Mala, where the residents...
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About the Author
Kris Ottman Neville was an American science fiction writer from California.
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