"The Ports, Harbours, Watering-places and Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain" is a detailed illustrated travelogue likely written in the mid-19th century. This work combines historical and topographical descriptions of various scenic locations, maritime facilities, and popular leisure destinations across Great Britain, extensively highlighting their geographical and cultural significance. At the start of this publication, readers are introduced to the port of Berwick and its lighthouse, some insights regarding the salmon fishery, and an overview of the Mersey River's economic importance to Liverpool. The text elaborates on the navigation challenges posed by the river's tide and landscape, as well as the rapid development of Liverpool as a commercial hub in juxtaposition with its historical beginnings as a fishing hamlet. Further, the region's scenic beauty, noted in the unfolding discussion of other harbours and watering-places, sets the stage for a structured exploration of Great Britain's coastal and riverine treasures, appealing to both historical enthusiasts and modern travelers seeking leisure and picturesque views. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Ports, Harbours, Watering-places and Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain Vol. 2
By W. (William) Finden
"The Ports, Harbours, Watering-places and Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain" is a detailed illustrated travelogue likely written in the mid-19th ce...
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About the Author
William Finden was an English engraver.
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