"Stellar Showboat" by Malcolm Jameson is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set against a backdrop of interplanetary crime and intrigue, the story revolves around the character of Special Investigator Billy Neville, who is assigned to unravel a sinister blackmail and extortion ring that has been operating in various parts of the solar system. The narrative unfolds in a unique environment, featuring a space showboat, which serves as a pivotal setting for the unfolding drama. The plot follows Investigator Neville as he is reluctantly drawn into a web of deception, where the line between reality and performance blurs, especially during a show hosted aboard a floating theater ship. Tasked with observing the local magnate, Simeon Carstairs, Neville quickly realizes that there’s more at stake than just a simple case of extortion. As he digs deeper, he discovers that a powerful mastermind behind the blackmail plot is using impersonation and hypnotism to exploit the secrets of influential individuals. With the imminent threat of disappearance looming over the intended victims, Neville must race against time to uncover the truth and thwart the dangerous plan, all while navigating the colorful yet perilous world of a space entertainment spectacle. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Stellar Showboat
By Malcolm Jameson
"Stellar Showboat" by Malcolm Jameson is a science fiction novel written during the early 1940s. Set against a backdrop of interplanetary crime and in...
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About the Author
Malcolm Routh Jameson, commonly known as Malcolm Jameson, was an American science fiction author. An officer in the US Navy, he was active in American pulp magazines during the Golden Age of Science Fiction. His writing career began when complications of throat cancer limited his activity. According to John W. Campbell Jr., Jameson "had much to do with the development of modern [c.1945] naval ordnance."
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