"The Guarded Heights" by Wadsworth Camp is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on George Morton, a young man grappling with his social identity and aspirations after experiencing a downward shift in fortune. He becomes enamored with Sylvia Planter, the daughter of a wealthy family, creating a dynamic of class struggle and personal ambition as he attempts to ascend beyond his humble beginnings. At the start of the novel, George Morton reflects on his changing circumstances, having recently lost his family's livery business due to the rise of automobiles. He now finds himself working on the Planter estate, where he meets the beautiful and spirited Sylvia. As he becomes her horse caretaker, George is drawn to Sylvia's confident charm, igniting a desire to prove himself worthy of her affection. Despite feelings of inferiority and the harsh realities of class distinctions, George's determination to rise above his humble roots begins to form, setting the stage for a journey of ambition, rivalry, and the quest for love. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Guarded Heights
By Wadsworth Camp
"The Guarded Heights" by Wadsworth Camp is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on George Morton, a young man grappling with h...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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