"The Layton Court Mystery" by Anthony Berkeley is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative is set in an estate known as Layton Court, where a group of characters becomes embroiled in a mystery following the apparent suicide of their host, Victor Stanworth. The primary focus revolves around Roger Sheringham, an enthusiastic author and amateur detective, as he seeks to unravel the complexities of the case. At the start of the story, the atmosphere is one of serene summer mornings at Layton Court, depicted through the eyes of William, the gardener, and then shifting to the main character, Roger Sheringham. Roger's lively conversations with his friend Alec Grierson showcase his dynamic personality. As the narrative unfolds, a sense of foreboding sets in when Lady Stanworth reveals that the charming Victor has shot himself. As the characters navigate the shock of this event, underlying tensions and hidden secrets begin to surface, suggesting that not everything is as it seems at Layton Court. The mixture of lighthearted dialogue and the haunting mystery that follows sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of human nature and deception. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Layton Court mystery
By Anthony Berkeley
"The Layton Court Mystery" by Anthony Berkeley is a detective novel written in the early 20th century. The narrative is set in an estate known as Layt...
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About the Author
Anthony Berkeley Cox was an English crime writer. He wrote under several pen-names, including Francis Iles, Anthony Berkeley and A. Monmouth Platts.
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