"Airplane Boys at Platinum River" by E. J. Craine is a novel written in the early 20th century. This adventure story follows the exploits of two young protagonists, Jim and Bob Caldwell, known as the Flying Buddies, as they navigate a series of thrilling situations involving criminals and treasure in the mysterious and dangerous settings of Peru. Their journey begins with an old enemy and leads them deeper into intrigue surrounding a potential platinum discovery. The opening of the book introduces readers to Jim and Bob as they attend a festive gathering near Cuzco. Humorous banter between the brothers reveals their playful camaraderie as they await their friend Carlos de Castro. However, the lighthearted atmosphere quickly turns tense when they eavesdrop on the conversation of two suspicious men at a nearby table, hinting at criminal activity. This sets the stage for action as Jim and Bob soon find themselves embroiled in a confrontation that showcases their bravery and hints at more complicated adventures to come. The narrative establishes a blend of humor, danger, and the promise of adventure, capturing the attention of readers eager for a tale of young heroes facing perilous challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Airplane Boys at Platinum River
By E. J. (Edith Janice) Craine
"Airplane Boys at Platinum River" by E. J. Craine is a novel written in the early 20th century. This adventure story follows the exploits of two young...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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