"The Beauty Of The Village" by Mary Russell Mitford is a novel written during the early 19th century. The book explores themes of beauty, vanity, and personal transformation through the story of Hannah Colson, the titular beauty of Aberleigh. It navigates the societal pressures and internal conflicts faced by a young woman in a small village, delving into relationships, love, and the consequences of one's choices. The narrative follows Hannah Colson, whose beauty captivates all in her village, leading to a sense of vanity and entitlement. After the loss of her father, she falls under the sway of a charming but reckless suitor, Edward Forester. Her initial disregard for the affections of reliable James Meadows highlights her immaturity. However, after a tragic incident caused by Forester, where she is injured, Hannah undergoes a profound transformation. The struggles she faces during her recovery help her shed her youthful vanity and emerge as a more humble, compassionate individual. Ultimately, she reconciles her feelings and marries James, who recognizes her deeper worth beyond mere physical beauty. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Beauty Of The Village
By Mary Russell Mitford
"The Beauty Of The Village" by Mary Russell Mitford is a novel written during the early 19th century. The book explores themes of beauty, vanity, and ...
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About the Author
Mary Russell Mitford was an English essayist, novelist, poet and dramatist. She was born at Alresford in Hampshire, England. She is best known for Our Village, a series of sketches of village scenes and vividly drawn characters based upon her life in Three Mile Cross near Reading in Berkshire.
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