"Artist and Model (The Divorced Princess)" by René de Pont-Jest is a novel set in the mid-19th century that explores the complexities of love, ambition, and societal expectations. The story centers around Lise Barineff, the daughter of a former actress, as she navigates her relationships with Prince Pierre Olsdorf, whom she marries, and the painter Paul Meyrin, with whom she becomes romantically entangled. The narrative delves into themes of seduction, desire, and the consequences of pursuing passion outside the bounds of marriage. At the start of the novel, the background of Lise Barineff's tumultuous family dynamics is introduced, revealing her mother's past as a former actress and her efforts to secure a prestigious marriage for Lise. As Lise reaches adulthood, her beauty and charm draw the attention of noble suitors, leading to her betrothal to the earnest yet reserved Prince Olsdorf. However, Lise finds herself increasingly attracted to the artistic and passionate Paul Meyrin, which ultimately sets the stage for a series of dramatic encounters that challenge both her integrity and her status in society. The opening sets the tone for a richly layered exploration of love's entanglements within a rigid social framework. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Artist and Model (The Divorced Princess)
By René de Pont-Jest
"Artist and Model (The Divorced Princess)" by René de Pont-Jest is a novel set in the mid-19th century that explores the complexities of love, ambitio...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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