"The Little House" by Coningsby Dawson is a novel written in the early 20th century, specifically around the time of World War I. This imaginative tale is centered on a house in London that serves as the narrator, recounting the story of its inhabitants and the events that unfold within its walls during a tumultuous period marked by air raids and personal struggles. The narrative explores themes of love, loss, and the search for belonging amidst a backdrop of war. The story primarily follows the experiences of a lonely widow, referred to as the little lady, and her two children, Robbie and Joan, who seek refuge in the little house during an air raid. Pathetic yet resilient, she becomes intertwined with an American officer who, having recently returned from the front, finds solace in her company. Their encounter blossoms into a deep connection, marked by shared vulnerabilities and the yearning for companionship. As they navigate their turbulent emotions against the realities of war, the little house witnesses their journey towards healing and hope, ultimately leading to a poignant and uplifting conclusion that emphasizes the power of love and human connection in difficult times. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Little House
By Coningsby Dawson
"The Little House" by Coningsby Dawson is a novel written in the early 20th century, specifically around the time of World War I. This imaginative tal...
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About the Author
Coningsby Dawson was an Anglo-American novelist and soldier of the Canadian Field Artillery, born at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.
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