"Miss Hildreth: A Novel, Volume 2" by Augusta de Grasse Stevens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around a complex and tense scenario set in Petersburg, involving political intrigue, societal expectations, and the lives of its main characters, including Ivor Tolskoi, a young man embroiled in the machinations of the Tsar's secret police, who grapples with romantic feelings for Olga Naundorff while contending with the dangerous presence of the woman who may hold the key to a politically charged murder. At the start of the novel, readers are thrust into the vivid and oppressive atmosphere of Petersburg where the sun shines brightly, casting shadows over the grim realities of its autocratic regime. The opening introduces Ivor Tolskoi as he contemplates his feelings for Olga while navigating his duties in the Imperial Chancellerie. The tension escalates when Ivor encounters a woman he believes to be Adèle Lamien, linked to a murder that has implications for his superiors. The chapter sets the stage for ensuing conflicts—personal, political, and romantic—hinting at a web of deceit, unrequited love, and the looming threat of betrayal within the dark undercurrents of power and societal norms. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Miss Hildreth: A Novel, Volume 2
By Augusta de Grasse Stevens
"Miss Hildreth: A Novel, Volume 2" by Augusta de Grasse Stevens is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative centers around a complex an...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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