"His Majesty's Well-Beloved" by Baroness Emmuska Orczy is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Mr. Thomas Betterton, a prominent actor of the time, and is narrated from the perspective of his friend John Honeywood. The book explores themes of love, reputation, and the tumultuous relationship between art and societal expectations in 17th century Restoration London. The opening of the novel introduces us to the humble clerk, John Honeywood, who feels compelled to defend his friend, the renowned actor Thomas Betterton, to Mistress Mary Saunderson, a lady with whom he is infatuated. Honeywood writes to Mary to assure her of Betterton's character after she hesitates to consider him for her affections due to damaging rumors. He reflects on their shared history, including a memorable outing at the theater, where Mary first saw Betterton perform and became smitten. Honeywood's letters convey his admiration for both Betterton and Mary, setting the stage for the complicated dynamics and romances that will unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
His Majesty's Well-Beloved An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John Honeywood
By Emmuska Orczy Orczy
"His Majesty's Well-Beloved" by Baroness Emmuska Orczy is a historical novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Mr. T...
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About the Author
Baroness Emma Orczy, usually known as Baroness Orczy or to her family and friends as Emmuska Orczy, was a Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright. She is best known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel, the alter ego of Sir Percy Blakeney, a wealthy English fop who turns into a quick-thinking escape artist in order to save French aristocrats from "Madame Guillotine" during the French Revolution, establishing the "hero with a secret identity" in popular culture.
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