"The Maid of Maiden Lane" by Amelia E. Barr is a historical novel likely written in the late 19th century. This sequel to "The Bow of Orange Ribbon" centers around the character Cornelia Moran and explores themes of love, societal expectations, and the political climate of early American society, particularly in the context of the aftermath of British rule and the influence of the French Revolution. At the start of the novel, the reader is drawn into the vibrant atmosphere of New York in 1791, a city experiencing a resurgence in pride and identity post-revolution. We meet Cornelia Moran, who has just returned from a Moravian school, and her budding romance with Lieutenant Joris Hyde unfolds amid rich descriptions of the city's landscape and political tensions. The opening chapters introduce key characters, including Cornelia’s father, Dr. John Moran, and Joris's family, framing the story within a backdrop of love, societal divisions, and personal duty as debates about the nation's capital and cultural identity intertwine with the characters' lives. The dynamics of their interactions hint at conflicts between familial loyalty, personal ambition, and romantic desire, setting the stage for further developments in their relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Maid of Maiden Lane
By Amelia E. Barr
Sequel to: The Bow of Orange Ribbon.
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr was a British novelist and teacher. Many of the plots of her stories are laid in Scotland and England. The scenes are from her girlhood recollection of surroundings. Her works include, Jan Vedder's Wife, A Border Shepherdess, Feet of Clay, Friend Olivia, The Bow of Orange Ribbon, Remember the Alamo, She Loved a Sailor, A Daughter of Fife, The Squire of Sanddal Side, Paul and Christina, Master of His Fate, The Household of McNeil, The Last of the Macallisters, Between Two Loves, A Sister to Esau, A Rose of a Hundred Leaves, A Singer from the Sea, The Beads of Tasmer, The Hallam Succession, The Lone House, Christopher and Other Stories, The Lost Silver of Briffault.