"The Confession: A Novel" by Maksim Gorky is a work of fiction written in the early 20th century. This novel introduces readers to Matvei, an orphaned child abandoned at birth, who navigates a life filled with hardship, loneliness, and the search for identity. It explores themes of poverty, social injustice, and the quest for human dignity, highlighting the protagonist’s struggles against his circumstances and societal expectations. The opening of the novel presents Matvei's early years, detailing his abandonment and subsequent upbringing by a kind gardener named Danil and later, a gentle sexton named Larion. Through Larion, Matvei experiences warmth and tenderness, which contrast sharply with the harshness he faces from society as a foundling. This early section sets the groundwork for Matvei’s complex relationship with faith, morality, and the adult world, indicated by Larion's conversations about God and the nature of good and evil. As Matvei grows, he grapples with his identity and future, facing ridicule from peers and emotional turmoil stemming from his origins, making for a poignant exploration of a young man's journey through a tumultuous existence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Confession: A Novel
By Maksim Gorky
"The Confession: A Novel" by Maksim Gorky is a work of fiction written in the early 20th century. This novel introduces readers to Matvei, an orphaned...
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About the Author
Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, popularly known as Maxim Gorky, was a Russian and Soviet writer and proponent of socialism. He was nominated five times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Before his success as an author, he travelled widely across the Russian Empire changing jobs frequently, experiences which would later influence his writing.
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