"Mr. Scraggs" by Henry Wallace Phillips is a humorous novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Ezekiel George Washington Scraggs, a man with a colorful past marked by his unfortunate experiences within the institution of Mormonism, as well as his misadventures in love and life. As Scraggs and his cohorts navigate the highs and lows of ranch life in North Dakota, the novel promises a blend of comedy and character-driven storylines. The opening of the book introduces Mr. Scraggs and provides insight into his character through the reflections of his friend Red Saunders. The readers learn about Scraggs's history as a Mormon and how it shaped his life experiences, including his tumultuous relationships with various wives. His presence on the ranch becomes a subject of curiosity among the cowhands, particularly when they get to know him through his mournful disposition and captivating stories. As the plot unfolds, we meet a young man named Alexander Fulton, whose unreciprocated love motives a whimsical plan devised by Scraggs to help him find happiness, setting the stage for the absurdities and revelations that follow. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mr. Scraggs
By Henry Wallace Phillips
"Mr. Scraggs" by Henry Wallace Phillips is a humorous novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Ezekiel George Washington Scr...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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