"Our Lady of Darkness" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative begins by introducing the eccentric character of Gustavus Hilary George, the Right Honourable Viscount Murk, a flamboyant and aged dandy, and his austere grand-nephew, Edward Murk. Their contrasting personalities and the uncle-nephew dynamic suggest a theme exploring vanity, independence, and societal expectations. The opening of the novel sets the stage with a vivid representation of the characters' interactions in Cavendish Square, revealing their respective philosophies and social critiques. The dialogue between the viscount and his nephew permeates with wit and sarcasm, highlighting their generational differences and perspectives on life, art, and morality. As Edward embarks on a journey toward self-discovery and artistic expression, he finds himself in the rustic setting of MĂ©ricourt, where he meets intriguing characters such as the enigmatic Nicette and the liberal M. de St Denys. These early chapters hint at a deeper exploration of themes like the tension between tradition and progress, as well as the personal quests for identity and meaning amidst the societal changes of their time. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Our Lady of Darkness
By Bernard Capes
"Our Lady of Darkness" by Bernard Capes is a novel written in the late 19th century. The narrative begins by introducing the eccentric character of Gu...
Bernard Edward Joseph Capes was an English author.
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