"The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 367, January 8, 1887" by Various is a periodical publication from the late 19th century. This particular volume features a serialized story titled "Merle's Crusade" by Rosa Nouchette Carey, along with other articles and stories aimed at a female audience. The topics often reflect themes such as personal development, domestic life, and social issues relevant to young women of that era. The opening portion introduces "Merle's Crusade," focusing on the character of Miss Cheriton, who is portrayed in a serene summer setting. As she tends to her garden and animals, the reader is introduced to her interactions with children and insights into her character. Miss Cheriton expresses a strong connection to nature and a sense of duty in managing her pets, contributing to themes of care and responsibility. Additionally, the dialogue reveals her contemplative side as she reflects on her circumstances and her desire to be of service. This beginning suggests a gentle exploration of character development, relationships, and the societal expectations placed on women during the time. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 367, January 8, 1887
By Various
"The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 367, January 8, 1887" by Various is a periodical publication from the late 19th century. This particular volume ...
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