"Monitress Merle" by Angela Brazil is a novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story follows sisters Mavis and Merle Ramsay as they navigate their school life at 'The Moorings,' encountering new teachers and friends against the backdrop of their familiar seaside town of Chagmouth. The narrative centers around their experiences and the beginning of Merle's role as a monitress, highlighting the challenges and dynamics of friendship and leadership in a school setting. The opening of the novel sets the stage for the girls' return to Chagmouth after the summer holidays, revealing their excitement and the changes awaiting them at school. Mavis and Merle share their memories of past friends and express their curiosity about the changes brought on by a new headmistress, Miss Mitchell. As they prepare for a day of bathing, they unexpectedly encounter a lively group of girls in their favorite cove, foreshadowing new relationships and adventures. The girls bond over their school experiences and future prospects, laying the groundwork for the themes of camaraderie, rivalry, and personal growth that will unfold as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Monitress Merle
By Angela Brazil
"Monitress Merle" by Angela Brazil is a novel likely written during the early 20th century. The story follows sisters Mavis and Merle Ramsay as they n...
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About the Author
Angela Brazil was one of the first British writers of "modern schoolgirls' stories", written from the characters' point of view and intended primarily as entertainment rather than moral instruction. In the first half of the 20th century she published nearly 50 books of girls' fiction, the vast majority being boarding school stories. She also published numerous short stories in magazines.
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