"The Untouchable Adolescents" by Ellis Hart is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set on the alien planet Diamore, which faces imminent destruction due to volcanic eruptions. The story explores themes of communication, misunderstanding, and the challenges of providing help to a society that is not only young in age but also in experience and wisdom. In the story, Captain Luther Shreve and his Psych Officer Karl Teller arrive on Diamore to offer assistance after discovering the planet's devastating future. However, their attempts to communicate with the telepathic inhabitants, the Diamoraii, are met with distrust and resistance. Despite Shreve's sincere desire to help, the young alien race, scarred by previous exploitation, rejects their offer, believing they do not need external assistance. As the planet begins to erupt, Shreve struggles with his inability to save them, highlighting the tragic consequences of pride and the difficulty of understanding different cultures. The narrative ends on a note of sadness and reflection, emphasizing the complexities of interstellar interactions and the often painful lessons learned by both parties. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The untouchable adolescents
By Harlan Ellison
"The Untouchable Adolescents" by Ellis Hart is a science fiction short story written in the mid-20th century. The narrative is set on the alien planet...
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About the Author
Harlan Jay Ellison was an American writer, known for his prolific and influential work in New Wave speculative fiction and for his outspoken, combative personality. His published works include more than 1,700 short stories, novellas, screenplays, comic book scripts, teleplays, essays, and a wide range of criticism covering literature, film, television, and print media.
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