"Tubemonkey" by Jerome Bixby is a science fiction novella written in the 1940s. The story revolves around Rhiannon, a once brilliant pilot whose abilities have been severely compromised by radiation, leaving him with a childlike mentality. The narrative explores themes of heroism and deception against a backdrop of intergalactic conflict, as Rhiannon inadvertently becomes a pawn in a secret war involving rebels and a corrupt council. The plot centers on Rhiannon's journey as he navigates his altered reality and is manipulated by sinister figures, particularly Karrin, who sees in Rhiannon a means to an end. Rhiannon, donning the nickname "Tubemonkey," undergoes a series of betrayals and confrontations that culminate in a stealth mission against the Rebels. Amidst the chaos, he grapples with flashes of his former brilliance, culminating in twists that determine the fate of both allies and foes. The story weaves together moments of humor and tragedy, ultimately highlighting the innocence caught in the crossfire of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Jerome Bixby
"Tubemonkey" by Jerome Bixby is a science fiction novella written in the 1940s. The story revolves around Rhiannon, a once brilliant pilot whose abili...
Drexel Jerome Lewis Bixby was an American short story writer and scriptwriter. He wrote the 1953 story "It's a Good Life", which was included in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame. It formed the basis of a 1961 episode of The Twilight Zone and was remade in Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983). He wrote four episodes for the Star Trek series: "Mirror, Mirror", "Day of the Dove", "Requiem for Methuselah", and "By Any Other Name". With Otto Klement, he co-wrote the story upon which the science fiction movie Fantastic Voyage (1966), the related television series, and the related Isaac Asimov novel were based. Bixby's final produced or published work so far was the screenplay for the 2007 science fiction film The Man from Earth.