"Little Boy" by Harry Neal is a science fiction short story penned during the mid-20th century. Set in a post-apocalyptic world after a catastrophic event that has devastated civilization, the narrative revolves around the survival instincts of children in a lawless society. The story captures the brutal transformation of humanity, particularly focusing on a young boy named Steven, whose experiences reflect both the savagery and innocence that coexist in children. The narrative follows Steven, an eleven-year-old boy navigating a ruined New York City where danger lurks at every corner. He survives by scavenging for food and avoiding adult predators who have descended into violence and chaos. His solitary existence changes when he encounters a girl of similar age. Their initial confrontation escalates into a tense moment that ultimately leads them to establish a bond through play, showing the flicker of innocence beneath their hardened exteriors. As they find laughter and companionship amidst the harshness of their reality, the story conveys a poignant message about the resilience of childhood and the deep-seated need for connection, even in a world that has nearly forgotten kindness. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Boy
By Jerome Bixby
"Little Boy" by Harry Neal is a science fiction short story penned during the mid-20th century. Set in a post-apocalyptic world after a catastrophic e...
Drexel Jerome Lewis Bixby was an American short story writer and scriptwriter. He wrote the 1953 story "It's a Good Life", which was included in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame. It formed the basis of a 1961 episode of The Twilight Zone and was remade in Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983). He wrote four episodes for the Star Trek series: "Mirror, Mirror", "Day of the Dove", "Requiem for Methuselah", and "By Any Other Name". With Otto Klement, he co-wrote the story upon which the science fiction movie Fantastic Voyage (1966), the related television series, and the related Isaac Asimov novel were based. Bixby's final produced or published work so far was the screenplay for the 2007 science fiction film The Man from Earth.