"In the Shadow of the Hills" by George C. Shedd is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Steele Weir, a tough and enigmatic engineer who has taken charge of a contentious dam construction project in New Mexico during a time of local resistance. The narrative unfolds against a backdrop of danger and mystery, hinting at Weir's complex past and interactions with the community, including initial conflicts with local laborers and influential figures. At the start of the book, Steele Weir arrives at the construction camp, reflecting on the challenges he faces as the new manager. He has quickly garnered a reputation for his unwavering demeanor and is nicknamed "Cold Steel" due to his decisive and sometimes ruthless management style. Early encounters depict local tensions, particularly with disgruntled laborers and the dubious political landscape shaped by figures like Ed Sorenson. During a chance meeting with Janet Hosmer, a strong-willed young woman engaged to Sorenson, Weir's reserved nature begins to crack, suggesting the possibility of deeper connections amidst the brewing conflicts. The opening section sets in motion the intertwining of personal stakes and community power struggles, marking the beginning of an intense drama. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
In the Shadow of the Hills
By George C. (George Clifford) Shedd
"In the Shadow of the Hills" by George C. Shedd is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Steele Weir, a tough and enigmatic ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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