"The Iron Furrow" by George C. Shedd is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers on Lee Bryant, a young civil engineer who has just purchased a struggling ranch in New Mexico and is determined to bring water to the parched land through irrigation. Set against a backdrop of rugged landscapes and the challenges of homesteading, the story explores themes of perseverance, the clash between settlers of different races, and the trials of rural life. At the start of the narrative, the reader is introduced to the landscape of New Mexico, where Lee Bryant navigates the dry mesa and encounters the harsh reality of ranch life. He meets two young women, Ruth Gardner and Imogene Martin, who are homesteading nearby and struggling with their claims. The subplot introduces a looming threat from the powerful Menocal family, who control the water rights and seem intent on sabotaging Bryant's plans. In a twist of fate, as he works on the irrigation system, Bryant must juggle his goals with the interpersonal dynamics and conflicts arising in this rural setting, particularly as he finds himself increasingly drawn to Ruth Gardner amidst the tensions surrounding them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Iron Furrow
By George C. (George Clifford) Shedd
"The Iron Furrow" by George C. Shedd is a novel written in the early 20th century. The book centers on Lee Bryant, a young civil engineer who has just...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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