"The Exiles of Faloo" by Barry Pain is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set on a fictional island, the book explores the lives of expatriates living in the Exiles' Club, highlighting complex interactions between the white inhabitants and the native population, particularly focusing on the character of King Smith. The narrative delves into themes such as race relations, colonialism, and the struggles of identity and power. At the start of the story, readers are introduced to Sir John Sweetling, a prominent member of the Exiles' Club, who interacts with the club's staff and fellow members in their leisurely island life. As the men gather, discussions about the potential election of King Smith, a native and successful trader, take center stage, reflecting underlying tensions regarding social status and race. Sir John argues against Smith's membership, expressing concerns about the implications for their sheltered existence, while others, including Mr. Bassett and Dr. Soames Pryce, counter with different perspectives. The opening sets up a vivid contrast between the comfortable lives of the expatriates and the native islanders, alluding to deeper issues that may arise as King Smith's influence grows. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Exiles of Faloo
By Barry Pain
"The Exiles of Faloo" by Barry Pain is a novel written in the early 20th century. Set on a fictional island, the book explores the lives of expatriate...
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About the Author
Barry Eric Odell Pain was an English journalist, poet, humorist and writer.
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