"The Path of Honor: A Tale of the War in the Bocage" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set against the backdrop of the tumultuous Revolutionary period in France, the story follows Jean Tavernay, a young traveler who embarks on a journey toward Poitiers, where he is drawn into the conflicts and intricacies of a society torn by war and politics. As Tavernay navigates these challenges, he encounters various characters, including the imposing Sergeant Dubosq and the enigmatic M. de Favras, leading him to confront questions of honor, duty, and personal relationships. At the start of the novel, Tavernay leaves Tours, excited for his journey but unaware of the impending chaos surrounding him. Soon, he finds himself caught in a trap set by Republican soldiers, which introduces him to the harsh realities of the Revolution. After an encounter with the fugitive M. de Favras, who steals Tavernay's horse, he grapples with his previous innocence as the complexities of honor and duty dawn upon him. The opening chapters lay the groundwork for Tavernay's internal struggle as he contemplates the weight of his responsibilities towards his betrothed and country, setting the stage for deeper explorations of loyalty and sacrifice as the narrative unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The path of honor: A tale of the war in the Bocage
By Burton Egbert Stevenson
"The Path of Honor: A Tale of the War in the Bocage" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. Set against t...
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About the Author
Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio on 9 November 1872, and attended Princeton University 1890–1893.
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